Evaluation Function
The UNRWA Evaluation function is central to UNRWA effective service delivery. Led by the Department of Internal Oversight Services Evaluation Division, the evaluation function provides centralized and decentralized evaluations of the Agency’s work to ensure accountability and learning.
Evaluations can be incredibly useful exercises for the managers of the Agency’s programmes, operational and functional units, and projects as well as for partners and programme participants. Evaluations can generate evidence on the outcomes of interventions, offering important information to Palestine refugees and donors on the efficiency and effectiveness of funding used for UNRWA’s work. For staff, evaluations contribute to learning by reflecting on factors influencing achievements and areas for improvement in projects, programmes and emergency interventions.
The UNRWA evaluation function consists of a centralized and decentralized evaluation system. Centralized evaluations are conducted or commissioned by the Department of Internal Oversight Services (DIOS), while decentralized evaluations are commissioned by field offices or headquarter departments and are quality assured by the DIOS Evaluation Division.