Developmental Evaluation

This brief describes the use of Developmental Evaluation, its key features as well as lessons learned from applying this evaluation approach within the UN context. Experiences discussed during the two webinars on Developmental Evaluation organized by the UNEG Evaluation Methods Working Group in 2021 and 2022 are also presented.
Why conduct a developmental evaluation ?
Developmental Evaluation (DE) is a term coined by Michael Quinn Patton in the mid-1990s. This approach has gained more and more traction over the past years as being particularly suited for assessing, informing and supporting innovative and adaptive development, especially in complex and dynamic environments where a knowledge base is not yet established. DE can be used for a range of purposes, including ongoing programme development, generating innovations and taking them to scale, facilitating rapid response in crisis situations and accompanying organizational change.
Key characteristics of DE ?
Focus on development and adaptation (versus improvement, accountability or summative judgment)
Takes place in unpredictable complex dynamic environments
Feedback is rapid, or as real-time as possible
The evaluator works co-creatively with social innovators to conceptualize, design and test new approaches in a long-term, ongoing process of adaptation
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What are the advantages of this method ?
- DE is highly adaptive and versatile. It helps identify options and solutions while navigating through non-linear and complex environments, for which more traditional evaluation approaches are not always well suited.
- It is based on a forward-looking and utilization-oriented approach. DE involves multiple co-creation processes with evaluation users, thus promoting a high level of participation and ownership of results.
- It entails a continuous process of data collection and feedback loops, which support timely decision-making and adaptation. This real-time feature of DE helps maximize utility and learning while also enabling quick course correction