The UNEG AGM 2023 was held from 24-26 January 2023 and was hosted by GEF colleagues at World Bank Offices in Washington D.C. This was the first post-COVID in-person UNEG meeting.
In person sessions of the Evaluation Practice Exchange and Professional Development Seminars were not held.
Session organized by GEF IEO featuring Rosina Bierbaum, Chair of the GEF Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) and Aileen Lee, Chief of Programs, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. Moderated by Juha Uitto, Director, GEF IEO.
Review of the work of SO1 work groups: Peer Review Working Group; Ethics Working Group; Gender, Disability and Human Rights Working Group; Integrating Environmental and Social Impact into Evaluations Working Group and Private Sector Interest Group.
Review of work of the SO3 work groups: Humanitarian Evaluation Interest Group; COVID-19 Working Group; Peacebuilding Working Group UNSCDF Working Group; National Evaluation Capacity Development Working Group; and Use of Evaluation Interest Group.
Chair: Oscar A. Garcia, UNEG Chair
Panel members: Marco Segone (Director, UNFPA Evaluation Office), Elma Balic (Oversight Officer, IOM Evaluation Office), Leslie Thomas (Chief, Evaluation Division, UNRWA)
The panelists reflected on:
Oscar Garcia (Director, IEO UNDP), Anish Pradhan (IT Specialist, IEO UNDP), Boaz Liesdek (Research Analyst, IEO UNDP), Andrea Arenas (AIDA Consultant, IEO UNDP)
Review of work of the SO2 work groups: Professionalization Working Group; Methods Use and Appropriateness Working Group; Evaluating Policy Influence and Normative Work Working Group; Evaluating Capacity Development Working Group; Evaluation Synthesis Interest Group; Decentralized Evaluation Interest Group; and Evaluation Practice Exchange Organising Committee.
Drafting of the UNEG 2023 Work Plan - confirmation of work groups and identification of conveners/ coordinators.